Gender & Energy Task – 2022 Conference Papers

Two sessions organised by the task at the ERSS in Manchester, with participation from the majority of our task members. (20-24 June 2022)

ERSS session 10: Closing the gender gap in energy policies for a just transition:

  1. When smart energy technologies meet everyday household labour: gendered practices and negotiations. Sylvia Breukers*, Aggeli Aggeliki, Marten Boekelo, Toke Haunstrup
  2. Care Labour as Energy Transition: Ethnographic Accounts from Sweden. Angelica Wågström
  3. When energy turned intersectional. Analysing the women lead call for a small-scale renewable decentralised energy network in Sweden 1971-1981. Martin Hultman
  4. Energy, sense-making and gender: exploring public perceptions of new technologies. Alexandra Revez, Niall Dunphy
  5. Barriers and Enablers of Gender Just Transitions in India: A comparative case study analysis. Kavya Michael, Swati Pillai, Arunima Hakku
  6. A gender just energy policy framework to engender the energy transition in Europe. Mariëlle Feenstra, Gül Özerol

ERSS Session 25: Gender in Energy Transitions: Mapping the conceptual and methodological landscapes. Organised by the task with external speakers.

ECEEE Summer Study, Hyeres, France. Sylvia Breukers & Marten Boekelo “Gender, expertise and control in Dutch residential smart grid pilots” (paper & ptt). (6-9 June 2022)

ECPR Conference, Innsbruck, Sylvia Breukers & Marten Boekelo: “Revisiting the smart grid promise: Residential smart grid experiments as sites of contestation”. (paper &ppt) (24-29 August 2022)

Conference presentation: Velasco-Herrejón, P., & Dunphy N.P. (conveners) (2022) ‘Understanding the lived experiences of energy poverty in the Global North and South’ at the DSA Conference Just sustainable futures in an urbanising and mobile world. (Online 6-8 July 2022)

Martin Hultman and Kavya Michael presented the task at the Nordic Energy Equality conference. Nordic Energy Equality Conference 2022 – Nordic Energy Equality Network (