Two sessions organised by the task at the ERSS in Manchester, with participation from the majority of our task members. (20-24 June 2022)
ERSS session 10: Closing the gender gap in energy policies for a just transition:
- When smart energy technologies meet everyday household labour: gendered practices and negotiations. Sylvia Breukers*, Aggeli Aggeliki, Marten Boekelo, Toke Haunstrup
- Care Labour as Energy Transition: Ethnographic Accounts from Sweden. Angelica Wågström
- When energy turned intersectional. Analysing the women lead call for a small-scale renewable decentralised energy network in Sweden 1971-1981. Martin Hultman
- Energy, sense-making and gender: exploring public perceptions of new technologies. Alexandra Revez, Niall Dunphy
- Barriers and Enablers of Gender Just Transitions in India: A comparative case study analysis. Kavya Michael, Swati Pillai, Arunima Hakku
- A gender just energy policy framework to engender the energy transition in Europe. Mariëlle Feenstra, Gül Özerol
ERSS Session 25: Gender in Energy Transitions: Mapping the conceptual and methodological landscapes. Organised by the task with external speakers.
ECPR Conference, Innsbruck, Sylvia Breukers & Marten Boekelo: “Revisiting the smart grid promise: Residential smart grid experiments as sites of contestation”. (paper &ppt) (24-29 August 2022)