Users TCP Tasks research published in ERSS on ScienceDirect online

Recent research from our Social License to Automate and Hard-to-Reach Energy Users Tasks have been published online under the Energy Research & Social Science section of ScienceDirect.

The Hard-to-Reach research led by Prof Luis Mundaca analysed 19 case studies in 8 countries and how they engaged hard-to-reach small business & residential energy users, using the “Building Blocks of Behaviour Change” framework to frame the ex-post analysis so they could do this cross-country comparison.


Hard-to-reach energy users: An ex-post cross-country assessment of behavioural-oriented interventions




The paper from the Social License to Automate Task reports on their study on householder expectations of Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) and their potential impact on energy networks and aggregators.

The research speaks to the gap between VPPs and their low uptake by households. They dissected the reasons behind this disparity and uncovered the social factors influencing VPP adoption among Australian households: these include their motivations, environmental considerations, and perceptions of fairness play a role in shaping the VPP landscape. The full paper linked below explores the intimate details of the qualitative analysis involving 47 residential energy users.


Social license to automate batteries? Australian householder conditions for participation in Virtual Power Plants