March 2016 Workshop – DSM Day, Stockholm, Sweden

The Swedish Energy Agency together with the International Energy Agency Demand Side Management Energy Efficiency technology cooperation (IEA DSM) invited researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers to a full-day conference devoted to different aspects of demand side management in the energy field. The main objective of the day was to create an exchange between the work done by the Swedish actors and within the IEA DSM cooperation as well as promote opportunities for more international cooperation.

Read more about the speakers:

Speakers_DSM_Day_StockholmTopic areas

  • Big data applications: the Swedish perspective. What is the state of art in big data analysis and how do we use big data to contribute to a sustainable energy system? We are inviting researchers and entrepreneurs to share their experiences in applying big data analysis to addressing different challenges within and outside of the energy field.
  • Visualisation and interpretation of energy use. Visualizing and explaining energy use has been shown to stimulate more energy efficient behaviours. Interactive displays are beginning to move out in public environments. How can we use design and ICT in order to ease the understanding of energy use (in homes, public spaces and organisations)? Research can even help understanding how people interpret energy and relate to activities around energy use, which can intern facilitate better policy decisions and technology choices.
  • Energy Demand Flexibility. Demand Flexibility or “Flexiwatts” refer to growing ability, through the use of a variety of technologies to determine precisely when during the day the use of energy is most optimal. It is a way to save money and fuel by shifting load away from peak periods, reduce transmission losses and balance renewable sources such as wind and solar power with predictably variable output, in order to keep the energy system running smoothly.


Welcome and introduction

Erik Brandsma, Director General, Swedish Energy Agency & Rob Kool, Chair of the IEA Demand Side Management Implementing Agreement.

Operating Agents presentations of DSM Tasks

Task 16: Innovative Energy Services, Jan W. Bleyl

Task 17: Integration of Demand Side Management, Energy Efficiency, Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Sources, Matthias Stifter& René Kamphuis

Task 24: Behaviour Change in DSM – Helping the Behaviour Changers, Sea Rotmann

Task 25: Business Models for a More Effective Market Uptake of DSM Energy Services, Ruth Mourik

Task 26: The Mutiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency, Catherine Cooremans

How big data works at Spotify, Gösta Forsum & Dadi Bjarnason, Spotify (to be added)

Research through design as a catalyst for sustainable development, Mia Hesselgren & Loove Broms, Grean Leap, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Flexibility – new challenges in time and space, Lars Nordström, KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Big Data Analysis

Resource-efficient Machine Learning, Theodore Vasiloudis, SICS

Understanding users at Spotify, Gösta Forsum & Dadi Bjarnason, Spotify (to be added)

Big Data and Internet of Things for the Sustainable Living in the Future City, Viktor Botev, Chalmers

Understanding Smart Sensors, Anton Gustavsson, Interactive Institute

Visualisation and interpretation of energy

How could Stockholm welcome car free families, Mia Hesselgren, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

The Power of Visual Communication from a design perspective, Per Brolund, Transformator Design

Future Alley – Sustainable Lifestyles, Carin Torstensson & Elin Önnevall, Interactive Institute

Flexibility of energy use

KlokEl – Solving national and local supply and demand load balancing and power reserve with single homes, automatically, Björn Berg, Ngenic

Psychological and Behavioural Effects of Introducing a Demand-based Time-of-use Electricity Distribution Tariff   Cajsa Bartusch & Peter Juslin, Uppsala University

Industrial flexibility: a new commodity, Per Åslund, Expektra

Democratising data, Fredrik Hagblom, Greenely

Big energy data and AI – the surprisingly simple future for engaging people in energy efficient behaviours, Hjalmar Nilsonne, Watty