Public Engagement Task Started

The Task on Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure has started. If you are interested in collaborating with us in the context of interviews and workshops, please get in contact.

Gender & Energy Task – 2022 Conference Papers

Two sessions organised by the task at the ERSS in Manchester, with participation from the majority of our task members. (20-24 June 2022). ERSS session 10: Closing the gender gap in energy policies for a just transition.

Gender & Energy Task Newsletter #2

The work of this Task is progressing well, with continuous research in all subtasks.  Read the highlights of our work from the past 6 months.

Gender & Energy Task – 2021 Conference Papers

Energy & Society Conference (Trento/online) “Integrating gender into energy policy design: the Rwandan approach” Marielle Feenstra (presenting), Joy Clancy, Helene Ahlborg, Samuel John Unsworth, Sylvere Hategekimana (11 February 2021) Panel participation at the BEHAVE-conference “Is energy efficiency (fe)male? The role of gender for sustainable energy use”, including Joy Clancy and Martin Hultman (21 April 2021) […]