Register for an Online Event: Overcoming Challenges in Behavioural Demand Flexibility
Join us for an online roundtable discussion exploring the challenges and opportunities in behavioural demand flexibility. The event will take place on Zoom on 20th November 2024, at 3:00 PM GMT. You can register here. As the energy landscape evolves, encouraging shifts in consumer behaviour is critical for optimising energy use and therefore achieving our […]
New guidebook: Applying behavioural insights to unlock energy demand flexibility
The Users TCP Behavioural Insights Platform has published a new guidebook titled ‘Applying behavioural insights to unlock energy demand flexibility: Guidebook for practitioners’. This guidebook provides essential guidance to policymakers and energy suppliers interested in applying behavioural insights to improve residential demand response.
BI Platform Task receives prestigious J-PAL grant award
We are thrilled to announce that the BI Platform has been awarded funding by J-PAL’s King Climate Action Initiative (K-CAI). The funding will be used to match the contributions of the Task Participants and to deepen the scope of the activities carried in Phase 3 of the Users TCP BI Platform.