New guidebook: Applying behavioural insights to unlock energy demand flexibility

The Users TCP Behavioural Insights Platform has published a new guidebook titled ‘Applying behavioural insights to unlock energy demand flexibility: Guidebook for practitioners’. This guidebook provides essential guidance to policymakers and energy suppliers interested in applying behavioural insights to improve residential demand response.

BI Platform Task receives prestigious J-PAL grant award

We are thrilled to announce that the BI Platform has been awarded funding by J-PAL’s King Climate Action Initiative (K-CAI). The funding will be used to match the contributions of the Task Participants and to deepen the scope of the activities carried in Phase 3 of the Users TCP BI Platform.

First Policy Brief from Behavioural Insights Platform

Following on from the December 2020 publication of the report ‘Behavioural insights for demand-side energy policy and programmes: An environment scan’, the Energy Sector Behavioural Insights Platform has prepared the first UsersTCP Policy Brief based on this work.