April 2019 Workshop – Policy and Business Models for the Digital Customer Centred Energy Transition, Bern, Switzerland

The conference on Policy and Business Models for the Digital Customer-Centred Transition was organised by BFE, Switzerland and the Technology Collaboration Programme on Demand Side Management Technologies and Programmes (DSM TCP) and was held in conjunction with the 53rd Executive Committee meeting. Venue: Swiss Confederation, Mühlestrasse 2, 3063 Ittigen, Switzerland Time: 08.45 – 17.10 08.45 […]

October 2016 Workshop – DSM Day, Brussels, Belgium

The Role of DSM to Provide Flexibility in Electricity Systems The share of intermittent renewables in the electricity system is rapidly growing all over the globe. In the EU they will represent 35% of electricity production by 2020 and are expected to reach 50% by 2030. But already today, at peak moments renewables make up […]

March 2016 Workshop – DSM Day, Stockholm, Sweden

The Swedish Energy Agency together with the International Energy Agency Demand Side Management Energy Efficiency technology cooperation (IEA DSM) invited researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers to a full-day conference devoted to different aspects of demand side management in the energy field. The main objective of the day was to create an exchange between the work […]

October 2015 Workshop – International DSM Day, Halifax, Nova Scotia

International DSM Day First roundtable sessions 1. Simplified M & V – presented by Operating Agent Task 16, Mr. Jan W. Bleyl, EnergeticSolutions, Austria (telecon) 2. Demand response services – presented by Operating Agent Task 17, Mr. Mattias Stifter, AIT, Austria 3. Energy efficiency and behavior change – presented by Co-operating Agent Task 24, Dr. […]

October 2014 Workshop – Electricity of the Future: Renewables – Smart Grids, Vienna, Austria

For Austria and Specifically the Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology almost 40-years of collaboration in the field of research and technological development within the International Energy Agency places an important addition to national and EU activities. The technology programme of the IEA is conducted by currently 40 Implementing Agreements. The activities of these multilateral […]

October 2013 Workshop – Current issues in DSM, Lucerne, Switzerland

Venue: iHomeLab – Hochschule Luzern, Technik & Architektur (Horw) Agenda 8.45 – 9.15 Registration, coffee 9.15 – 9.35 Introduction to IEA DSM: On the cutting edge of Energy Efficiency (Examples of what we do) presented by DSM Chair (Rob Kool) 9.35 – 10.00 New Swiss Energy Strategy 2050: A brief introduction presented by Markus Bareit, […]

April 2013 Workshop – New ways to achieve energy efficiency in the ‘polder model’, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Introduction: Highlights in the Implementing Agreement on Demand Side Management Technologies and Programmes, presented by Rob Kool, Chair. Customers, energy providers, network operators how to co-operate to ensure continuation of energy savings in a more competitive energymarket? Venue: Geldmuseum, Lidesweg 90, 3531 BG Utrecht Program 09:00 – 09:30  Registration 09:30 – 09:45  Introduction: Highlights in […]

November 2012 Workshop – Current issues in Demand Side Management, Espoo, Finland

The workshop on ‘Current Issues in Demand Side Management’ was organised by the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) and Demand Side Management Technologies and Programmes (IEA DSM) and was held in conjunction with the Executive Committee meeting.  The workshop consited of two sessions: (1) DSM in Finland, and (2) DSM from the IEA perspective. […]

April 2012 Workshop – Current Issues in Demand Side Management, Trondheim, Norway

Current issues in Demand Side Management Where: Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Kjøpmannsgaten 73, Trondheim. When: 18. April 2012, 09.30 – 15.30 Hosts: Enova SF and the International Energy Agency – Demand Side Management Programme (IEA-DSM). Session 1: DSM from the IEA perspective What is the IEA-DSM and what does it do? Rob Kool, Chairman […]

November 2011 Workshop – How to Develop DSM in Korea?, Jeju Island, South Korea

How to develop DSM in Korea? This workshop will bring together experts from South Korea and a number of international representatives from the IEA DSM Programme member countries to discuss their experience with the use of energy efficiency resource standards, smart grids, energy efficiency policies in Korea, energy standards and labeling, and the GHG target […]

April 2011 Workshop – Experiences with Energy Efficiency Resource Standards, Washington, United States

Experiences with Energy Efficiency Resource Standards This workshop will bring together experts from the U.S. and a number of international representatives from the IEA DSM Programme member countries to discuss their experience with the use of energy efficiency resource standards (also called portfolio standards, white certificates or efficiency obligations) that are typically placed on electric […]

October 2010 Workshop – The Smartness of Smart Grids, Stockholm, Sweden

The smartness of smart grids Wednesday 6 October, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden – 13:00 – 18:00 The seminar brought together experts from Sweden and a number of international representatives from the IEA DSM Programme and considered the smartness of smart grids and the solutions that can be offered. Welcome to Electrolux Henrik Sundström, VP Sustainability Affairs… […]

October 2009 Workshop – Is DSM the Answer? – Solving the problems of Tomorrow’s Electricity System, Chester, United Kingdom

Is DSM the Answer? – Solving the problems of Tomorrow’s Electricity System.  The seminar brought together experts from the UK and a number of international representatives from the IEA Demand Side Management  Programme and considered the challenges and opportunities that future electricity systems may face and the solutions DSM can offer. Wednesday 21st October, 2009 […]

April 2009 Workshop – Demand Side Management (DSM) and Energy Efficiency – Elements for Optimizing our Energy Systems, Vienna, Austria

Demand Side Management (DSM) and Energy Efficiency – Elements for Optimizing our Energy Systems The workshop brought together IEA-DSM experts and national stakeholders for a mutual knowledge and experience exchange. It made a link to the Austrian representatives of other related IEA IA, like ENARD and 4E. Besides lectures from IEA-DSM experts, statements from Austrian […]

October 2008 Workshop – White Certificates: the Italian experiences gained in Regulation, Monitoring & Verification and Electricity Market contexts, Milan, Italy

A workshop on: White Certificates: the Italian experiences gained in Regulation, Monitoring & Verification and Electricity Market contexts, was hosted by: CESI Ricerca in collaboration with the IEA DSM Programme. Italy has been practising a White Certificates scheme for four years. Milan, Italy, 22 October 2008 Monitoring & Verification and Electricity Market Contexts Click HERE […]

April 2008 Workshop – Standby Power, New Delhi, India

The conference/workshop on Standby Power was hosted by: The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)  and the International Energy Agency (IEA) To read the conference/workshop program click HERE DAY 1 Session I Chairperson: Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Progress of Standards and Labeling Program in India. New Delhi, India, 2 April, […]

April 2007 Workshop – DSM – Most Desirable Policy Option for the Future, Seoul, Korea

The workshop was hosted by: Korea Institute of Energy Technology and sponsored by: Korean Energy Management Corporation Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy “DSM – Most Desirable Policy Option for the Future” To read the workshop program click HERE Presentations made at the workshop: Plenary Session Energy Policies of Korea. Seoul, Korea, 18 April, 2007 […]

October 2006 Workshop – Everyone loves DSM, Maastricht, the Netherlands

The workshop was hosted by: SenterNovem, Netherlands. Everyone loves DSM Central to the workshop discussion was the issue of optimising the knowledge generated from DSM and setting priorities for new projects. The day was divided up into two sessions: plenary presentations (morning) and workshops (afternoon). To read the workshop programme… To read the workshop programme […]

April 2006 Workshop – Registration and validation of energy saving activities – practical experiences and cost-effective solutions, Copenhagen, Denmark

The workshop was hosted by: Danish Energy and the Danish Energy Authority, Denmark. “Registration and validation of energy saving activities – Practical experiences and cost-effective solutions”. The seminar explored the question of how to balance the need for information against the cost of obtaining this information. The seminar presented examples of practical solutions to the […]

October 2005 Workshop – ‘Electric Demand Side Operation, DSO, II Madrid Forum, Madrid Spain

The workshop was hosted by: RED Electríca de Espana, Spain. “Electric Demand Side Operation, DSO, II Madrid, Forum” The participants in the workshop/seminar were Experts from the IEA DSM Programme, Spanish technology and commercial companies related to electric demand management and service to consumers, international operators and regulating agents and other experts with relevant points […]

April 2005 Workshop – Demand Response (DR), Helsinki, Finland

The workshop was hosted by: VTT, Finland. Demand Response Workshop Demand Response helps in the upkeeping of the power balance in the Nordic market, especially the peak load situation. It is a central factor promoting the functionality of the Nordic electricity market. In Finland the Demand Response Forum was established in 2004 to promote Demand […]

April 2004 Workshop – A New Dawn for Demand-Side Measures: Perspectives, Strategies and Experiences, Trondheim, Norway

The workshop was hosted by: Enova SF, Norway. A New Dawn for Demand-Side Measures: Perspectives, Strategies and Experiences. The objective of the workshop/seminar was: (1) to introduce a Norwegian audience to the IEA and the IEA DSM Programme in particular; (2) provide introduction to Norwegian energy demand management activities: policy, experiences with use of measures, […]

April 2003 Workshop – Global and Local Trends in Energy Efficiency – Contributing to profits and the Economy, Sydney, Australia

The workshop was hosted by: The Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) and the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO), Australia. Global and Local Trends in Energy Efficiency – Contributing to Profits and the Economy International and local speakers shared their expertise on energy efficiency policy and programs for industry. The seminar covered international, local and industry perspectives […]

April 2003 – International and Local Trends in Energy Efficiency, Melbourne, Australia

The workshop was hosted by: The Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria, and the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO). Australia. International and Local Trends in Energy Efficiency.  International and local speakers shared their expertise on energy efficiency policy and programs for industry. The seminar covered international, local and industry perspectives on energy efficiency in large industry and marketing […]

October 2002 Workshop – Energy Services for Tomorrow – The Future of DSM, Graz, Austria

The workshop was hosted by: The Grazer Energie Agentur, Austria and Landes Energie Verein Steiermark (LEV), Austria. “Energy Services for Tomorrow – The Future of DSM”.  When the DSM Programme started it had three main areas of work – Policy (analysis of applications), Technology and Measures. The exchange of experiences gained from these three categories […]

April 2002 Workshop – Energy Efficiency Certificate Trading, Milan, Italy

The workshop/seminar was hosted by: CESI, Italy Energy Efficiency Certificate Trading Certificate trading is one of the “new breed” of policy measures designed to combine the “guaranteed results” of regulation with the economic efficiency of market-based trading mechanisms. Several schemes have been developed for the “greening” of energy supply, and recently also an Italian scheme […]