Final Country Report HTR Task: United States

This is the final report deliverable to conclude Phase 1 of our HTR Task, with special focus on our U.S. funder and National Expert, the Consortium for Energy Efficiency. We summarise the main findings and recommendations from each Subtask of our 4-year Task, and provide links to the huge amount of deliverables and work completed so […]

Characterising HTR Energy Users: A Literature Review

This e-Book is based on a landscape, literature and stakeholder assessment and includes insights from 120 survey responses of HTR experts around the world, as well as 50 in-depth expert interviews, and almost 1000 pieces of literature that were reviewed between 2019-2021. It is perhaps the most comprehensive characterisation of hard-to-reach energy users, and provides […]

The Building Blocks of Behaviour Change – HTR Task Research Process

The HTR Task in collaboration with our Project Partners the See Change Institute, have co-created and tested a research framework to guide our Task, to use for ex-post case study analyses, and to help us design, implement and evaluate our field research. It is called the Building Blocks of Behaviour Change, and marries Design Thinking […]