Task 1 Subtask 8 – International Database on Demand-Side Management Technologies and Programme

Task 1 Subtask 8 – International Database on DSM Technologies and Programmes


Task I – Subtask 8 focused on developing a database on DSM programmes (INDEEP database) and analysing the data. The Task developed a methodology to collect data and present it in order to aid utilities and governments to design EE-DSM programmes which reach more customers and save more energy at lower cost.

Achieved Results

The INDEEP database started in 1994 as an international tool for:

  • inspiring the design and planning of new DS and energy efficiency activities
  • comparing the user’s own programmes with similar types of programmes and evaluations
  • providing access to contacts concerning different types of DSM, thus creating a network

By July 2004 the database contained 229 quality controlled programmes from 14 countries.


Belgium, Denmark, France, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, Sweden

Task duration:  May 1994 – October 2003