The three main objectives of Task 13 work were to:
1) identify and develop the country-specific information needed to establish the potential for demand response;
2) perform the market and institutional assessment needed to set realistic goals for the contribution of DRR to sector objectives, and
3) mobilize technical and analytic resources needed to support the implementation of DRR programs and track their performance.
This Task has developed action-oriented tools that markets and regulators can use to incorporate DR in their daily operating practices. The tools are designed to provide methodologies and research resources to use when evaluating the best business case structure for DR in a market. All of the project tools are organized into the book, Task 13 Project Guidebook, which provides a roadmap for assessing DR integration into the market. In addition to the tools, the book can be used as a teaching guide for a DR professional certification programme.
The objective of the Task were to deliver the necessary methodology, business processes, infrastructure, tools and implementation plans for the rapid deployment of a demand response program into participating country electricity markets to meet the specific goals and policy objectives of that market. The Task:
Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United States
Task duration: February 2004 – December 2006
DRR Guidebook Acknowledgements
DRR Guidebook – Section 1 – Background Information
DRR Guidebook – Section 2 – Getting Started
DRR Guidebook – Section 3 – DR Resource Base
DRR Guidebook – Section 4 – Market Potential
DRR Guidebook – Section 5 – DR Valuation
DRR Guidebook – Section 6 – Technologies
DRR Guidebook – Section 7 – Market Barriers and Solutions
DRR Guidebook – Section 8 – Drafting the Business PlanDRR Guidebook – Appendices
Country Comparison Report
Estimating DR Market Potential Suvey
DR Technologies in Denmark
DR Technologies Template in Denmark
Communication Toolkit (2006)
Task 13 Communication Toolkit (pdf)
Task 13 Communication Toolkit – Guide, Template and Forms (pdf)
Marketplace Overview Australia
Marketplace Overview Denmark
Marketplace Overview Finland
Marketplace Overview Italy
Marketplace Overview Japan
Marketplace Overview Netherlands
Marketplace Overview Norway
Marketplace Overview Spain
Marketplace Overview USA
Australia DRR Subtask 5 Technology Database v1
Australia DRR Subtask 5 Technology Database v2