The primary objective of IEA DSM Task 22, Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards, was to develop a best practice guide for the design, development, implementation and monitoring of Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards (EEPS).
Experts from countries with EEPS programmes and countries planning to introduce EEPS programme participated. Participation in the Task helped countries review their programmes beyond any existing boundaries and consider a broader approach. Experts also analysed inter-linkages between EEPS schemes and other schemes, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy and emissions trading.
Publication of Best Practices in Designing and Implementing Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes. This report covers 19 EEO schemes implemented in a range of jurisdictions around the world.
Despite the diversity of EEO schemes, three broad schemes were identified:
India, Spain and the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
Task duration: 2010 – 2011
Country | Role | Name | |
India | Operating Agent | Balawant Joshi | |
India | National Expert | Manu Maudgal | |
Spain | National Expert | Asier Molto llovet | |
RAP (Sponsor) | National Expert | Frederick R. Weston |
Best Practices in Designing and Implementing Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme – June 2012