October 2016 Workshop – DSM Day, Brussels, Belgium

The Role of DSM to Provide Flexibility in Electricity Systems The share of intermittent renewables in the electricity system is rapidly growing all over the globe. In the EU they will represent 35% of electricity production by 2020 and are expected to reach 50% by 2030. But already today, at peak moments renewables make up for over 50% of production. This is a challenge for network operators, policy makers and regulators, but will also create business opportunities for old and new players.

In this context, it is essential to grasp the full flexibility potential throughout the system, coming from the demand side, network operation, storage and production. Discussions are currently ongoing on both the national, regional and European level. The topic is going to be addressed in several legislative proposals, which the European Commission plans to publish in the second semester of 2016.

The Demand-Side Management Technology Collaboration Program (DSM TCP) is one of more than 40 co-operative energy technology programs within the framework of the International Energy Agency (IEA). It promotes research and knowledge exchange among its members to further develop the use of DSM, have it fully integrated in the market, to improve operation and use of flowing renewable sources and enhance system security by reducing dependency on vulnerable supply resources. The following aspects were covered:

  • What are the sources of flexibility in electricity systems and how/when should these be deployed?
  • What synergies and what trade-offs between energy efficiency and flexibility?
  • How should system operation change on the road towards 100% renewables?
  • How can the new market design facilitate business models that enhance flexibility?


Date & time: October 13, 2016; 9h30 – 16h30

Venue: Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels


Download Agenda (pdf)

9:30 Introduction

Jean-Marc Delporte for FOD economie
Rob Kool for IEADSM
Introduction – Hans De Keulenaer for European Copper Institute

10:00 Towards a flexibility tracker for EU electricity systems, including case studies for B, NL, D (Edwin Haesen – Ecofys)

10:40 EU policies to promote Demand Side Response (Mark van Stiphout – European Commission)

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 Flexibility in the Pentalateral Energy Forum (Jan Hensmans – FOD Economie)

11:35 Focus on demand response

Mind your business. What we can learn from more than 50 businessmodels in Energy Efficiency (Renske Bouwknegt – IEA DSM Task 25)
Promising business models for emerging energy applications (smart heat, electric vehicles, energy storage) (Rocio Moya – Creara)
DSM from distribution customers: from an increasing reality today in medium voltage to perspectives tomorrow in low voltage (Didier Halkin, ORES)
The role of industry (Michael Van Bossuyt – Febeliec)

12:45 Lunch

13:45 Focus on integration

Mapping flexibility in industry (Jef Verbeeck – EnergyVille on behalf of www.industre.eu)
Flexible demand as a counterpart to variable renewables (Rene Kamphuis – IEADSM T17)

14:45 Focus on market design

Reflections on an improved market design (Andreas Tirez – CREG)
Barriers to market for the demand side (Frauke Thies – SEDC)

15:25 Interactive workshop: future-proofing the new market design on the road towards near 100% renewables
(moderated by …)

16:15 Conclusion

16:30 Adjourn

* Convener: Hans De Keulenaer, European Copper Institute & Francois Brasseur, FOD economie
* Rapporteur: Denzil Walton
* Meeting format: public meeting