Gender and Energy Research Symposium: Research in Policy and Practice

The Gender and Energy Research Symposium: Where are we now? Where do we want to go? How do we get there? was held at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, on 7-8 December. The event closed with a joint panel on “Research in policy and practice”, organised with the Gender and Energy Task. This panel gathered policy makers and practitioners to discuss good practices as well as barriers of research-policy interaction.

The panelists were asked to give examples from their own experiences on how to bridge the gap between research and policy and also of good practices for the promotion of gender gender equality in the energy sector. The following experts participated in the panel discussion:

  • Sheila Oparaocha, Director International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy
  • Inka Schomer, Director Distill Inclusion
  • Nicole Kerkhof-Damen, Netherlands Enterprise Agency
  • Rashi Mor, Kiwa Technology
  • Maria van Veldhuisen, Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition: GWNET

The panel discussion was moderated by Anna Åberg , Chalmers University, Sweden and coordinator of UsersTCP Gender and Energy Task.

“We all got very intersting insights from the experts in the panel, representing different parts of the world, and the audience participated actively in the discussions.

The symposium was held in connection with the farewell address by Joy Clancy, who holds the first university chair in Gender and Energy.

Watch the recording of the panel discussion: 8 dec. Engendering-Energy-Symposium (part 5/5) (