Join the Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure and the Behavioural Insights Platform Tasks at the BEHAVE Conference 2023

The 7th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency (BEHAVE 2023), organized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the European Energy Network (EnR), will take place on 28-29 November 2023 in Maastricht. The conference aims to present the latest research developments regarding energy and climate behaviour change and to bridge the gap between the scientific community and practitioners. More information can be found on the Conference website.

During the conference, the Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task and the Behavioural Insights Platform Task will present at a joint session ‘Introducing a toolkit to apply behaviour insights to energy policy’, organized on 28 November from 13:55 to 15:10. The Public Engagement Task will discuss guidelines for an effective public engagement in energy infrastructure.

Check the conference program and register to join the discussions!