Based on this review, a guidebook was developed describing alternative approaches and summarising examples of how these methodologies have been incorporated. Case studies documenting successful applications from several countries were included. Taking into consideration the factors influencing DSM in participating countries, guidelines were developed on how to transfer processes, methods, techniques and models for incorporating DSM in resource planning from one country to another. Included in this book were issues related to differences in market conditions, supply characteristics, utility structure, regulatory environments, pricing and tariff structures and government policies.
Task 4 also investigated mechanisms to promote DSM and energy efficiency in new business environments. This included a critical review of mechanisms which have been used or proposed for use, to incorporate DSM and energy efficiency into restructured electricity industries. The results were presented in three workshops.
Report comparing utility structures and characteristics in different countries.
Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Korea (South), Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, UK and USA.
Task duration: 1993 – 1997