Task 9 – The Role of Municipalities in a Liberalised System

Task 9 – The Role of Municipalities in a Liberalised System


Task 9 investigated how the roles of local authorities in demand side management are affected by a liberalised market and in the light of these changes and examples of good practice, to prepare guidelines for improving the local authorities’ service delivery in this field.

Achieved Results

Demand Side Management includes action to improve energy efficiency, load management and action to reduce CO 2 emissions by energy substitution. Local authority activities in this field where assessed for replicability, choice of targets, its effectiveness in producing long term results, response to social and political needs, response to conditions of the liberalised market and the likelihood of resources and financing being found on a long term basis.

  • Identified municipal roles and practices in DSM activity within the context of their national energy scene and evaluated their effectiveness.
  • Evaluated the impact of liberalisation of energy markets and identified how municipalities can respond to this.
  • Defined priorities for municipal action on DSM.
  • Made recommendations how municipalities can improve their demand response services both in-house and to third-parties.
  • Proposed an action guide relating to demand response at municipal level, presenting common factors and specific features and illustrating it with examples.


Austria, France, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden

Task duration: 2000 – 2002