October 2009 Workshop – Is DSM the Answer? – Solving the problems of Tomorrow’s Electricity System, Chester, United Kingdom

Is DSM the Answer? – Solving the problems of Tomorrow’s Electricity System.  The seminar brought together experts from the UK and a number of international representatives from the IEA Demand Side Management  Programme and considered the challenges and opportunities that future electricity systems may face and the solutions DSM can offer.

Wednesday 21st October, 2009 – 13:00 – 18:00 EA Technology, Capenhurst, Chester, CH1 6ES United Kingdom

Workshop flyer

Registration and coffee

Welcome – Robert Davis (CEO EA Technology) and Hans Nilsson (Chair of the IEA DSM Programme)

Is DSM the answer? – Hans Nilsson, Chairman of the DSM Programme
DSM in the UK – What are the Questions? – Jen Carter, EA Technology, UK

Session 1 – Matching Demand to Inflexible Generation

UK Approach – presented by Shanti Majithia, Energy and Climate Manager, Transmission, National Grid, UK
International approach – Is DSM the answer for intermittent renewable generation? – presented by Carmen Rodriguez VillaGarcia, RED Electrica de Espana, Spain

15:00 Coffee

Session 2 – The Role of DSM in the Development of Smart Grids

UK Approach – presented by Ian Povey, Electricity North West
International approach – Smart Grid and DSM: Issues and Activities – presented by Frederick Weston, Regulatory Assistance Project, USA

Session 3 – The Barriers of Profiles for Settlements in Engaging Small Consumers

UK Approach to Settlement – presented by Linda Hull, EA Technology, UK
International approach – Load profiling for balance settlement, demand response and smart metering in Finland – presented by Seppo Kärkkäinen, Elektraflex, Finland

Concluding remarks and close (Hans Nilsson)