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Task With Case Studies

CampaignXchange Task Synopsis The CampaignXchange Task aims to: Create a collaborative community of practice Facilitate informal knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences among countries Collect campaign case studies Develop

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CampaignXchange Task

CampaignXchange Task Synopsis The CampaignXchange Task aims to: Create a collaborative community of practice Facilitate informal knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences among countries Collect campaign case studies Develop

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The women who tear down power structures with solar energy

The women are illiterate and live in traditional, patriarchal societies, but are given the opportunity to become solar engineers and lead the electrification of their home villages. Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden are now examining the ground-breaking initiative in Zanzibar, focusing on the social and unequal conditions of the energy transition – and on how power structures can be overturned.

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