Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task: An interactive tool for guiding meaningful engagement in energy infrastructure projects
Based on year-long research, including methodologies on literature review, the assessment of 98 cases, interviews with experienced professionals and exchanges with experts, the Engage4Energy Guidelines for citizens, developers and policymakers on meaningful engagement in energy infrastructure projects has been launched.
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task: Check out new Report on Impact assessment of case studies
The Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task has published its first report on Impact Assessment of Case Studies.
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task: Join our UsersTCP Academy Webinar on 13 March for the launch of our interactive guide
On 13 March, RGI and the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) will launch our interactive guide for project promoters, policy-makers and civil society on meaningful engagement in energy infrastructure projects.
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Tasks holds Task meeting in Berlin
On 23 January 2024, country representatives and task leaders met in Berlin to discuss the Guidelines for Promoters, Policymakers and Citizens on Public Engagement in Energy Infrastructure Projects.
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task receive expert feedback on guidelines
As Europe and the world transition to a renewables-based energy system, public engagement can help ensure fairness when building the necessary energy infrastructure. With this in mind, the Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task aims to develop guidelines for practitioners and policy-makers to improve stakeholder engagement in energy infrastructure projects.
Drivers and barriers of public engagement in energy infrastructure – Check now the Report from the Public Engagement Task
The Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task has published its first report and slide pack on drivers and barriers of public engagement in energy infrastructure. Public engagement for energy infrastructure is of increasing importance as public opposition to projects such as wind farms or electricity grids poses challenges to meeting climate and energy targets. As […]
Join the Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure and the Behavioural Insights Platform Tasks at the BEHAVE Conference 2023
The 7th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency (BEHAVE 2023), organized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the European Energy Network (EnR), will take place on 28-29 November 2023 in Maastricht. The conference aims to present the latest research developments regarding energy and climate behaviour change and to bridge the gap between the […]
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task presents research during ECPR Conference
What drives and deters public participation in energy infrastructure development? This was the key question we addressed during our presentation at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). The session ‘Achieving and sustaining public legitimacy and acceptance for accelerating the energy transition’ allowed us to present our key findings based on […]
Public Engagement Task at the High-Level Electricity Grids Forum
The Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI), one of the leading organisations for UsersTCP’s Public Engagement Task, facilitated a special session during the first High-Level Electricity Grids Forum: Future of Our Grids.
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task at the ECPR Conference
The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) will organise their General Conference on 4-8 September 2023 in Prague. Bringing together different perspectives of political research within the European context, registrations are open for interested actors. More information is available on the Conference website. At the conference, the Public Engagement in Energy Infrastructure Task will present […]
Public Engagement Task at the European Commission’s Energy Infrastructure Forum
The 9th Energy Infrastructure Forum On 12-13 June 2023, the European Commission in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities organized the 9th Energy Infrastructure Forum. The event brought together important actors within the energy sector, including EU representatives, transmission system operators (TSOs), project developers, energy regulators, civil society and NGOs. Further […]