EmPOWERing All Task
EmPOWERing All: Gender in policy and implementation for achieving transitions to sustainable energy Synopsis The Gender & Energy Task will gather researchers from the fields of gender and energy
Newsletter Issue No. 11
Follow the latest news and updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks and Academy.
SLA2.0 Task concludes with final report published
Phase 2 of the Social License to Automate Task has conlcuded, and the Task has published their final report and findings.
SLA2.0 Task Final Report
The final report from the Social License to Automate 2.0 Task has been published and is now available to download.
”Solar Mamas” on the cover of Nature Energy
The case study on Barefoot College/Solar Mamas projects in Zanzibar resulted in an article published in Nature Energy. It even made it to the cover, which was the first time a photograph of people was featured on the cover.
New Policy Brief from CampaignXchange Task
With the conclusion of the work program of the CampaignXchange Task, the Task has published a new Policy Brief highlighting key findings and lessons learnt.
Policy Brief – Emerging Best Practices for Campaign Design and Implementation
The CampaignXchange Task fostered knowledge sharing among governments, collected campaign results and data and identified best practices for future public campaign design and implementation.
The Task emerged from the collective interest of policymakers to assess the outcomes and features of behavioural interventions in response to the 2022 energy crisis.
Case Study – Smart Energy Systems: How to Achieve More Inclusive Technology Development?
Austrian Case Study: Smarte Energiesysteme: Wie eine inklusivere Technologieentwicklung erreicht werden kann (in German)
Factsheet – Focus on Usage: Smart Energy Systems
Austrian Factsheet – Die Nutzung im Fokus: Smarte Energiesysteme (in German)
Thirty-five years of research on energy and power: A landscape analysis
Highlights from this paper:
-An overview of research centred on users and inclusion in energy transitions.
-Work on energy users and justice largely overlooks gender and class differences.
-Mainstream perspectives overlook diversity and richness within social categories.
-Policy-oriented work on users in inclusive energy transitions needs better evidence.
-Important contributions come from non-Western scholars, contexts and epistemologies.
Register for an Online Event: Overcoming Challenges in Behavioural Demand Flexibility
Join us for an online roundtable discussion exploring the challenges and opportunities in behavioural demand flexibility. The event will take place on Zoom on 20th November 2024, at 3:00
Behave 2025 – 8th European Conference on Behaviour & Energy Efficiency (11-12 December 2025)
The 8th European Conference on Behaviour Change and Energy Efficiency, BEHAVE 2025, will take place on 11th and 12th December 2025 in Paris, France, under the theme “From energy
Academy Webinar #51 – October 16, 2024 at 3pm CEST
Building Social License for Flexibility: Gender, Diversity and Energy Communities REGISTER HERE Presented by: Lisa Diamond, Scientist, Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Technology Experience Ange Nkonko Kibelo Martin’s,
Outcomes and Lessons Learnt from the Gender and Energy Task
The Gender and Energy Task – full name “Empowering all: Gender in policy and implementation for achieving transitions to sustainable energy” – started in January 2021 and is now about to wrap up three years of successful work.
Resources for Policy Makers
Case Study Library on Energy Saving Campaigns Campaign results and data to identify best practices for future public campaign design and implementation View Case Studies Behavioural Insights Toolkit
Academy Webinar #50 – September 11, 2024 at 3pm CEST
Empowering all in the energy transition: Outcomes and lessons learned from the Users TCP task on Gender and Energy. REGISTER HERE Presented by: Anna Åberg, Chalmers University of Technology
Household energy choices: A new report from the third OECD EPIC survey data
New report from the OECD in collaboration with Waseda University, Fukui Prefectural University, Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Edinburgh and the International Energy Agency
The paper offers insights on the factors that determine household choices related to energy use, based on data from the third OECD Survey on Environmental Policies and Individual Behaviour Change (EPIC), co-funded by the Users TCP.
Summary insights from the recent HTR Task workshop elevating Indigenous voices
On June 6, 2024, we held a National Expert workshop for the Hard-to-Reach Energy Users Task, as part of the Users TCP Executive Committee and Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) board meetings in Boston.
HTR Task Summary of National Expert Workshop in Boston (June 2024)
These are the summary meeting minutes from the Hard-to-Reach Energy Users Task hui (workshop) in Boston (June 6, 2024). We focused on elevating Indigenous voices, who are top priority communities to involve in the just energy transition efforts in the three countries participating in the HTR Task.