8th GO-P2P Meeting ‘Scaling Up Local Energy Markets’
On May 28th and 29th we held our 8th GO-P2P meeting in collaboration with NOVA School of Law and NOVA IMS Information Management School in Lisbon, Portugal.
A conceptual analysis of gendered energy care work and epistemic injustice through a case study of Zanzibar’s Solar Mamas
Energy and climate transitions bear an inherent risk of replicating historically embedded unjust gendered norms in the current energy regimes. Positioning our work within critical feminist scholarship, our study emphasizes the embedded nature of energy technologies within respective socio-economic, institutional and cultural contexts. We argue that interventions prioritizing care and knowledge in decentralized, locally managed energy provisioning have the potential to disrupt established gender relations.
Gender & Energy Task: Netherlands case study
This case study contributes to providing an understanding of the systematic inertias in the sociotechnical energy system that appear to be hindering the development and implementation of gender aware energy policies. The case study focuses on a condition known as ‘energy poverty’ and how it is currently addressed in the context of the Netherlands.
Public Engagement Task concludes work with publication of new Policy Brief
The Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task has concluded its work program, the outcomes of which can be found on their Task webpage. They have published a Policy Brief that summarises the key findings from their research for policy makers.
Policy Brief – How to meaningfully engage the public in energy infrastructure projects
The Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task identifies challenges and drivers for effective public engagement practices and gathers evidence from international case studies on meaningful engagement approaches and formats to increase social acceptance of energy infrastructure projects.
2023/24 Annual Report now available
The Users TCP has published its 2023/24 Annual Report, it is now available for download here.
2023/24 Annual Report
The 2023 Annual Report is now available to view. This report provides an overview of the activities and outputs of the UsersTCP and its Tasks during 2023.
Developing a household energy planner through norm creative design
Boid’s part in subtask 3 aimed to explore and implement norm critical design at a practical level. Boid’s contribution was to develop and implement technical interventions that support inclusive energy use and challenge prevailing norms in sustainable energy consumption in the specific context of Swedish households.
Factsheet: Creating energy technologies, that are meaningful and usable for all
How technology developers can contribute to making sustainable energy supply more equal in terms of accessibility to ensure the participation of all.
A factsheet from the Gender & Energy Task.
Dutch Master Theses on Energy Poverty and Gender Inequality
As part of the Gender & Energy Task, two Masters Theses have been completed. The first one is Mapping the Mindsets of Dutch Municipal Workers on Mitigating Energy Poverty in the Gender-just Transition: An exploratory Q study. The second, Refracted Reflections: Perceptions of Gender Inequality in Dutch Energy Organisation.
Gender and Energy Research Symposium: Research in Policy and Practice
The Gender and Energy Research Symposium: Where are we now? Where do we want to go? How do we get there? was held at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, on 7-8 December.
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task: An interactive tool for guiding meaningful engagement in energy infrastructure projects
Based on year-long research, including methodologies on literature review, the assessment of 98 cases, interviews with experienced professionals and exchanges with experts, the Engage4Energy Guidelines for citizens, developers and policymakers on meaningful engagement in energy infrastructure projects has been launched.
Academy Webinar #46 – April 17, 2024 at 3pm CEST
Boosting the number and diversity of energy professionals in the buildings sector To achieve our energy and climate policy goals, the buildings sector needs to decarbonize rapidly over the
Guidelines for citizens, developers and policymakers on public engagement for energy infrastructure projects
The final deliverable of the UsersTCP Task Public Engagement in Energy Infrastructure summarises the research findings into an interactive tool for guiding meaningful engagement in energy projects.
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task: Check out new Report on Impact assessment of case studies
The Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task has published its first report on Impact Assessment of Case Studies.
8th GO-P2P Meeting (hybrid) in Lisbon, Portugal – May 2024
Join us for the 8th GO-P2P Event in Lisbon, Portugal on scaling up local energy markets. This year’s event is organised in collaboration with NOVA School of Law
Report: Assessing the impacts of public engagement in energy infrastructure projects
This report aims to assess 98 cases of public engagement in energy infrastructure projects to reveal impacts on the project development process and its outcomes.
Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task: Join our UsersTCP Academy Webinar on 13 March for the launch of our interactive guide
On 13 March, RGI and the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) will launch our interactive guide for project promoters, policy-makers and civil society on meaningful engagement in energy infrastructure projects.
Academy Webinar #45 – March 13, 2024 at 3pm CET
Getting them all on board: an interactive tool for guiding meaningful public engagement in energy infrastructure projects. Achieving international climate and energy goals will require a rapid and profound
Final Event: “EmPOWERing All: Inclusive Energy Transitions”
The Gender & Energy Task invites you to a one-day event in Vienna on 24 April, offering a unique opportunity for key stakeholders in the realm of inclusive and sustainable energy transitions to convene and delve into critical inquiries.