”Solar Mamas” on the cover of Nature Energy
The case study on Barefoot College/Solar Mamas projects in Zanzibar resulted in an article published in Nature Energy. It even made it to the cover, which was the first time a photograph of people was featured on the cover.
Outcomes and Lessons Learnt from the Gender and Energy Task
The Gender and Energy Task – full name “Empowering all: Gender in policy and implementation for achieving transitions to sustainable energy” – started in January 2021 and is now about to wrap up three years of successful work.
Successful Final Event for the Gender and Energy Task
Engaging panel discussions on “Empowering Energy Users” and “Gender-Responsive Energy Policies” as well as an interactive workshop focusing on “Inclusive Energy Technologies” was on the hybrid meeting agenda.
Dutch Master Theses on Energy Poverty and Gender Inequality
As part of the Gender & Energy Task, two Masters Theses have been completed. The first one is Mapping the Mindsets of Dutch Municipal Workers on Mitigating Energy Poverty in the Gender-just Transition: An exploratory Q study. The second, Refracted Reflections: Perceptions of Gender Inequality in Dutch Energy Organisation.
Gender and Energy Research Symposium: Research in Policy and Practice
The Gender and Energy Research Symposium: Where are we now? Where do we want to go? How do we get there? was held at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, on 7-8 December.
Final Event: “EmPOWERing All: Inclusive Energy Transitions”
The Gender & Energy Task invites you to a one-day event in Vienna on 24 April, offering a unique opportunity for key stakeholders in the realm of inclusive and sustainable energy transitions to convene and delve into critical inquiries.
Gender & Energy Task Newsletter #4
The latest Newsletter from the Gender & Energy Task is now available with highlights, new publications and recent achievements.
Designing household energy systems to be more inclusive, equal and efficient
Bike to work or install solar panels? Gender affects our view of sustainability and how we plan our energy consumption. In a collaboration between HSB Living Lab and the product design studio Boid, in Gothenburg, Sweden, a concept is now being developed for how households’ energy systems can become more inclusive, equal and efficient.
The women who tear down power structures with solar energy
The women are illiterate and live in traditional, patriarchal societies, but are given the opportunity to become solar engineers and lead the electrification of their home villages. Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden are now examining the ground-breaking initiative in Zanzibar, focusing on the social and unequal conditions of the energy transition – and on how power structures can be overturned.