Newsletter Issue No. 11
Follow the latest news and updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks and Academy.
SLA2.0 Task concludes with final report published
Phase 2 of the Social License to Automate Task has conlcuded, and the Task has published their final report and findings.
New Policy Brief from CampaignXchange Task
With the conclusion of the work program of the CampaignXchange Task, the Task has published a new Policy Brief highlighting key findings and lessons learnt.
Household energy choices: A new report from the third OECD EPIC survey data
New report from the OECD in collaboration with Waseda University, Fukui Prefectural University, Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Edinburgh and the International Energy Agency
The paper offers insights on the factors that determine household choices related to energy use, based on data from the third OECD Survey on Environmental Policies and Individual Behaviour Change (EPIC), co-funded by the Users TCP.
New GO-P2P Case Study Repository launched
The GO-P2P Case Study Repository website is now live! This platform presents a collection of case studies representing Peer-to-Peer, Transactive Energy and Community/Collective Self-Consumption projects implemented around the world. Developed as part of the Global Observatory on Peer-to-Peer, Collective Self-Consumption and Transactive Energy (GO-P2P), this resource aims to provide a rich dataset for comparative analysis […]
Newsletter Issue No. 10
All the latest news and updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks and Academy.
8th GO-P2P Meeting ‘Scaling Up Local Energy Markets’
On May 28th and 29th we held our 8th GO-P2P meeting in collaboration with NOVA School of Law and NOVA IMS Information Management School in Lisbon, Portugal.
Public Engagement Task concludes work with publication of new Policy Brief
The Public Engagement for Energy Infrastructure Task has concluded its work program, the outcomes of which can be found on their Task webpage. They have published a Policy Brief that summarises the key findings from their research for policy makers.
2023/24 Annual Report now available
The Users TCP has published its 2023/24 Annual Report, it is now available for download here.
Newsletter Issue No. 9
Explore the latest news and updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks and Academy.
Users TCP Tasks research published in ERSS on ScienceDirect online
Recent research from our Social License to Automate and Hard-to-Reach Energy Users Tasks have been published online under the Energy Research & Social Science section of ScienceDirect.
Newsletter Issue No. 8
Latest updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks and Academy
Behave Conference 2023 – deadline for submitting abstracts 17th July 2023
Behave 2023, the 7th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency by the European Energy Network (EnR, the network of European energy agencies) will take place in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on 28th and 29th November 2023. The theme of this edition of the conference is ‘Scaling-up behaviour change in the light of the energy and […]
Gender & Energy Task Newsletter #3
The latest Newsletter from the Gender & Energy Task is now available with highlights, new publications and recent achievements.
Annual Report for 2022/23 now available
The Annual Report published by the TCP for the 2022/23 year is now available for download here.
GO-P2P Concept Paper makes Top 10 downloads list on SSRN repository
The GO-P2P Concept Paper that our GO-P2P Task Leaders lead on has made the top 10 downloads from the section of the SSRN repository it’s housed on.
New Policy Brief from Social License to Automate Task
Our latest Policy Brief is an overview for policy makers highlighting key observations and findings from stage one of the Task which concluded in October 2021 with the publication of their final report “Social License to Automate” Emerging Approaches to Demand Side Management”.
New Users TCP Task “Social License to Automate 2.0” launches November 23rd 2022
The follow-up Task “Social License to Automate 2.0” aims at developing a more in-depth and expanded understanding of how the granting of a social license to automate can be supported in a more inclusive and community-oriented manner.
Newsletter Issue No. 7
Latest updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks & Academy.
What we talk about when we talk about energy sharing – read the new GO-P2P blog
Defining Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading, Community Self-Consumption and Transactive Energy Models. As energy end-users take on a more active role in the energy system, new energy business models are developing to tackle a key challenge: how can we integrate decentralised energy assets into the grid and incentivise prosumers to provide flexibility services?
Behavioural Energy Policy Toolkit presented at Energy Transformations conference
Ondrej Kacha, one of the Task Leaders of the Behavioural Insights Platform, presented the recently released Behavioural Energy Policy Toolkit at the Energy Transformations conference in Manchester in June. Feedback from the toolkit has been very positive with some at the conference having already reviewed it.
Newsletter Issue No. 6
Latest updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks & Academy.
2021 Annual Report now available

The 2021 Annual Report is now available to view. This report provides an overview of the activities and outputs of the UsersTCP and its Tasks during 2021.
Newsletter Issue No. 5
Latest updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks & Academy.
Social License to Automate – Final Report & Executive Summary released
Our findings from this 2 year project with 16 researchers in 6 countries and 26 Case studies spanning electric vehicles, home and precinct batteries, air conditioners and other heat pumps is now available, along with an Executive Summary and our recent webinar.
Are we getting the best out of Smart Home Technologies? The Role of Usability.
This joint report with the 4E TCP Electronic Devices & Networks Annex investigates ‘usability’ issues associated with energy smart digital devices. Download the report here.
Social license to automate: A critical review of emerging approaches to electricity demand management
The latest publication from the Social License to Automate Task (Adams et al 2021).
Business Models and Systems Task launches Fit to Serve platform
As the Business Models and Systems Task ends its work program, they have gathered the main results of the Task into one outreach channel, the Fit to Serve platform at
Newsletter Issue No. 4
Latest updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks & Academy.
2020 Annual Report published
The 2020 Annual Report is now available to view. This report provides an overview of the activities and outputs of the UsersTCP and its Tasks during 2020.
Plug and Play Devices project gets started with Energy Systems Catapult
The joint project on Plug and Play Devices with the Electronic Devices and Networks Annex of the 4E TCP has commenced, with Energy Systems Catapult leading the research.
First Policy Brief from Behavioural Insights Platform
Following on from the December 2020 publication of the report ‘Behavioural insights for demand-side energy policy and programmes: An environment scan’, the Energy Sector Behavioural Insights Platform has prepared the first UsersTCP Policy Brief based on this work.
Behavioural insights for demand-side energy policy and programmes report published
During its first year of activity, the Behavioural Insights Platform of the UsersTCP, with the IEA, has developed an environment scan report assessing how behavioural insights have been applied to demand-side energy policy and programmes.
Newsletter Issue No. 3
Latest updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks & Academy.
INATBA Launches Task Force with Global Observatory on Energy Trading (GO-P2P)
Initiative will tackle standardisation gaps around energy trading using distributed ledger technologies.
Newsletter Issue No. 2
Latest updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks & Academy.
A message from our Chair – Q2 2020
Resetting or restarting the global economy – How can this crisis help us fight the next?
Energy Sector Behavioural Insights Platform launches international survey
The Energy Sector Behavioural Insights Platform is conducting research on how organisations are leveraging behavioural insights to shape energy policies and programmes.
IEA publishes Annual Global Energy Review 2020
A new report released 30 April 2020 by the International Energy Agency provides an almost real-time view of the Covid-19 pandemic’s extraordinary impact across all major fuels.
New Users TCP Task on Gender and Energy gets the go-ahead
We are excited to announce that a new international research collaboration – Empowering all: Gender in policy and implementation for achieving transitions to sustainable energy – has been approved by the UsersTCP Executive Committee.
Canada joins the UsersTCP
We are delighted to welcome Canada as the first country to join the UsersTCP since we relaunched in Melbourne, Australia late last year.
Highlights of the 2nd Meeting of the Global Observatory on Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Task- Feb 2020
Our second event took place on 17-18 February 2020 in Florence, Italy, at the European University Institute (Florence School of Regulation, FSR). The event was attended by 65 stakeholders from industry, policy and academia, representing 13 countries.
Anne Bengtson (1954-2020) – the foundation upon which the UsersTCP is built
Anne Bengtson, the UsersTCP Secretary and eceee’s Executive Assistant, has suddenly left us after a brief period of illness.
Users TCP Workshop at the Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference
Users TCP Workshop at the Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference – 4 December 2019
Launch of the User-Centred Energy Systems TCP
The User-Centred Energy Systems Technology Collaboration Program (Users TCP), was officially launched today at the All-Energy Australia conference held in Melbourne.
Newsletter Issue No. 1
Latest updates from our TCP Projects, Tasks & Academy.
October 2019 Melbourne Workshop – All-Energy Australia and Energy Efficiency Expo Conference
More than 200 prominent speakers presented at All-Energy Australia 2019, delivering two days of presentations across an expanded 7-stream conference program. The sessions covered the latest innovations, energy policy and government initiatives and project developments across solar and wind, hydrogen, bioenergy, energy storage and more.
April 2019 Workshop – Policy and Business Models for the Digital Customer Centred Energy Transition, Bern, Switzerland
The conference on Policy and Business Models for the Digital Customer-Centred Transition was organised by BFE, Switzerland and the Technology Collaboration Programme on Demand Side Management Technologies and Programmes (DSM TCP) and was held in conjunction with the 53rd Executive Committee meeting. Venue: Swiss Confederation, Mühlestrasse 2, 3063 Ittigen, Switzerland Time: 08.45 – 17.10 08.45 […]
October 2018 Workshop –Demand Side Management from the Users’ Perspective, London, United Kingdom
The conference on Demand Side Management from the Users’ Perspective was arranged by International Climate & Energy, BEIS, United Kingdom and the Technology Collaboration Programme on Demand Side Management Technologies and Programmes (DSM TCP) and was held in conjunction with the 52nd Executive Committee meeting. Venue: BEIS, 1 Victoria Street, London, UK Time: Monday 1st […]
April 2018 Workshop – Demand Side Management: Empowering the end user in the energy transition, Bergen, Norway
The conference on Empowering the end user in the energy transition was organised by Enova SF and the Technology Collaboration Programme on Demand Side Management Technologies and Programmes (DSM TCP) and was held in conjunction with the 51st Executive Committee meeting. Venue: Clarion Hotel Admiral: C. Sundts gate 9, Bergen Monday 16 April 2018, 09:00 […]
May 2017 Workshop – Behavioural Insights on energy efficiency in the residential sector, Dublin, Ireland
SEAI welcome, report launch and keynote Download Agenda 9.30 – 9.45 SEAI welcome and intro – CEO, Jim Gannon 9.45 – 10.00 IEA – The task, context, international significance Speaker: Rob Kool, IEA DSM Chairman 10.00 – 10.20 SEAI- Behaviour Research Syntheses report Speaker: Jim Scheer (SEAI) 10.20 – 10.50 Keynote speaker: Behavioural science applications […]
October 2016 Workshop – DSM Day, Brussels, Belgium
The Role of DSM to Provide Flexibility in Electricity Systems The share of intermittent renewables in the electricity system is rapidly growing all over the globe. In the EU they will represent 35% of electricity production by 2020 and are expected to reach 50% by 2030. But already today, at peak moments renewables make up […]
March 2016 Workshop – DSM Day, Stockholm, Sweden
The Swedish Energy Agency together with the International Energy Agency Demand Side Management Energy Efficiency technology cooperation (IEA DSM) invited researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers to a full-day conference devoted to different aspects of demand side management in the energy field. The main objective of the day was to create an exchange between the work […]
October 2015 Workshop – International DSM Day, Halifax, Nova Scotia
International DSM Day First roundtable sessions 1. Simplified M & V – presented by Operating Agent Task 16, Mr. Jan W. Bleyl, EnergeticSolutions, Austria (telecon) 2. Demand response services – presented by Operating Agent Task 17, Mr. Mattias Stifter, AIT, Austria 3. Energy efficiency and behavior change – presented by Co-operating Agent Task 24, Dr. […]
October 2015 Workshop – Bright Business Conference – Energy Efficiency: Leading by example, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Welcome to the fourth annual Bright Business Conference. This is an occasion to celebrate achievements by the Nova Scotia business sector, to learn about best practices in energy efficiency here and elsewhere, and to think big about the next big things. Four years after the first Bright Business Conference, there’s no denying energy efficiency’s positive […]
April 2015 Workshop – International Conference: Domestic Use of Energy, Cape Town, South Africa
Welcome to the 23rd International Conference on the “Domestic Use of Energy” (DUE). We know that the world and especially South Africa is challenged to find sustainable solutions to energy provision and energy must be used wisely, so it is essential that we research and find lasting solutions for the effective use of energy in […]
October 2014 Workshop – Electricity of the Future: Renewables – Smart Grids, Vienna, Austria
For Austria and Specifically the Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology almost 40-years of collaboration in the field of research and technological development within the International Energy Agency places an important addition to national and EU activities. The technology programme of the IEA is conducted by currently 40 Implementing Agreements. The activities of these multilateral […]
March 2014 Workshop – Storytelling in DSM – the New Zealand workshop, Wellington, New Zealand
The New Zealand ExCo workshop held on March 17, 2014 in Wellington was something a little bit different… Organised by Task 24 Operating Agent, Dr Sea Rotmann, it was entirely about storytelling. Every participant was tasked to tell a story, and given different formats and genres. The outcome was something really special and memorable as […]
October 2013 Workshop – Current issues in DSM, Lucerne, Switzerland
Venue: iHomeLab – Hochschule Luzern, Technik & Architektur (Horw) Agenda 8.45 – 9.15 Registration, coffee 9.15 – 9.35 Introduction to IEA DSM: On the cutting edge of Energy Efficiency (Examples of what we do) presented by DSM Chair (Rob Kool) 9.35 – 10.00 New Swiss Energy Strategy 2050: A brief introduction presented by Markus Bareit, […]
April 2013 Workshop – New ways to achieve energy efficiency in the ‘polder model’, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Introduction: Highlights in the Implementing Agreement on Demand Side Management Technologies and Programmes, presented by Rob Kool, Chair. Customers, energy providers, network operators how to co-operate to ensure continuation of energy savings in a more competitive energymarket? Venue: Geldmuseum, Lidesweg 90, 3531 BG Utrecht Program 09:00 – 09:30 Registration 09:30 – 09:45 Introduction: Highlights in […]